Hi Activists,

we’re EuropeTalks and we’re connecting socialists and social democrats from different regions throughout Europe. With activists from 14 EU countries (and growing), we offer opportunities for activists at the grassroot and local level to engage in long-term exchange and friendship with people from all over Europe. We want to be at the heart of a reformed European social democracy, which thinks and acts beyond national borders, while focused on the future. Because who, if not we, are the guarantors for the protection and promotion of European values?

We’re stronger together. Hope to see you soon,

The EuropeTalks-Team

What does Giorgia Meloni's victory in Italy mean for Europe?

with Simone Zetti, Activist from Florence

With the election of Meloni Italy has turned from being a “locomotive of solidarity” – which allowed it to push for the Next Generation EU fund based on common debt – to a friend of the extreme right. It is in fact the extreme right that congratulates her after her victory, while other European partners seem more cautious. I doubt that Italy remains a partner as reliable as it was for the EU so far.

It was a huge defeat, a result below all expectations. We had a cutting-edge social and environmental program, but in reconnecting with people we are still paying the weight of a period in our history in which we had completely lost the compass of European socialism.

Yes! The next congress will be a chance to change course in the Italian left. For me it is the new PD parliamentarians that give me hope. From Florence and the province we sent Federico Gianassi and Emiliano Fossi to parliament: the first has proven himself as an excellent administrator capable of governing a city that is undergoing profound transformations, the second has proven himself as a bulwark against the right. People like them, along with other big, progressive and younger names like Elly Schlein, will be a valuable asset to build upon.

Picture of Armand


We mourn the loss of our activist and friend Armand Mangot.
He passed away on August 21st 2022.
We will miss your motivation, your engagement and your creativity.

Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

We will miss you, Armand.